
VIDEO: 2010 Tesla Roadster Sport vs. 2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder

2010 Tesla Roadster Sport

2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder

We've been fortunate enough to drive a number of different Tesla Roadster models now, including a week-long review that was just published. Owners of high performance sportscars like the Roadster sometimes like to take their rides to the track for some of the kind of fun you can't really have when you are constantly on the lookout for hidden constables. While we haven't had the chance to track a Tesla, one of the favorite cars for such activities is the Porsche Boxster.

Motor Trend magazine's Kim Reynolds and Arthur St. Antoine took the latest edition of the Boxster, the new Spyder to Willow Springs along with a 2010 Roadster Sport. It makes for very interesting comparison since the 2011 Boxster Spyder is the most minimalist version of the Porsche and the Tesla has a slightly more upscale interior than its Lotus Elise progenitor.

At nearly twice the price of the German, the Tesla offers tremendous performance but requires more effort to learn its limits in part because of the reduced feedback it offers. Nevertheless, St. Antoine in particular was surprised at how well Tesla's "science experiment" works. When considered purely from a bang-for-the-buck perspective, the Roadster makes no sense compared to the Porsche, but to be fair, on-track performance has never been the Tesla's raison d'etre anyhow.

我們已經幸運地推動多個不同型號現在泰斯拉跑車,其中包括為期一周的審查,剛剛出版。業主高性能跑車像跑車有時想藉此他們乘坐的跟踪一些種樂趣,您還不能真正當你總是在不停地為隱藏警員把風。雖然我們沒有機會來追踪特斯拉,其中一個最喜歡的汽車是這類活動的保時捷 Boxster。

Motor Trend雜誌雷諾茲和阿瑟金聖安托萬了最新版本的Boxster,新的Spyder的柳樹泉連同 2010年跑車運動。它提出了非常有趣的比較,因為 2011年的Boxster的Spyder的是最簡約版的保時捷和特斯拉有稍微高檔內飾比蓮花 Elise祖。





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