
[Video] 2012 Lexus LFA vs 2010 Nissan GT-R 短途加速

For the longest time, the Nissan GT-R has held the mantle of ’Asia’s baddest sports car’ only to have a few pretenders come knocking and challenging it for its throne. Whereas most have failed in doing so, one car has arrived that is poised to take the title off of the GT-R. That, of course, is the Lexus LF-A. It’s Godzilla versus Mothra all over again in an all-Japan free for all!

Fortunately, Motor Trend managed to pit these two Japanese titans against each other in a friendly little quarter-mile sprint to the finish line. Despite the large disparity in price tags - the LF-A sells for $400,000 while the GT-R comes at about 1/5th of the price at around $85,000 - the race should be a little more competitive than what the pricing suggests, especially since both cars come with their own decidedly unique advantages.

Check out how the race unfolds and since we’re not keen on giving away spoilers, we’ll settle for a little teaser instead:

The race was close. Very close.

時間最長,日產 GT - R有舉行的地幔'亞洲 baddest跑車'只是有幾個來敲門覬覦其王位的挑戰性。雖然大多數都沒有這樣做,一車已抵達,目前正準備採取關閉的稱號的GT - R的。那當然,是雷克薩斯 LF - A。它的哥斯拉與摩斯拉一遍在全日免費提供給所有!

幸運的是,汽車趨勢設法坑這兩個日本巨頭對彼此在友好的小四分之一英里的衝刺到終點線。儘管大懸殊的價格標籤 - 在LF - A的售價為 40萬美元,而GT - R的來自約 1/5th的售價約為 85000美元 - 比賽應該多一點競爭力的價格比建議,特別是因為這兩個車來用自己的決定性獨特的優勢。






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