
[Video]Ferrari 599XX 突破紐堡靈(Nurburgring)7分鐘圈速紀錄


The last time we looked, Nissan was claiming a 7m 26.7s Nurburgring lap time for its 2010 ‘Series II’ GT-R, while General Motors was boasting an even better time of 7m 22.4 seconds for its Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 supercar. While manufacturer claims should be taken with a grain of salt--there are just too many variables that can affect the lap times--when Ferrari makes a claim, you can rest assure most of the automotive world will be taking note.

The automaker’s most advanced machine, and likely fastest, the 599XX experimental car, has now managed to clock a scorching lap time for the 13 mile Nurburgring Nordschleife circuit of 6m 58.16s--the first time ever a production-derived car has broken the 7 minute barrier.

The 599XX, which inspired the 599 GTO, is an extreme sports car designed for track but not official competition use, and is a veritable technological laboratory incorporating a number of innovative solutions designed to make it as fast as possible around a track. These include the wheel doughnuts of F1 derivation which serve two purposes--to reduce turbulence and thus drag, and improve brake cooling.

Powered by a 700 horsepower version of the V-12 engine used by the 599 GTB Fiorano, the 599XX features Ferrari's High-Performance Dynamic Concept, a novel integrated design and chassis set-up that uses sophisticated electronics to govern the mechanical limits of the handling for maximum performance.

On the aerodynamics front, the car sees the introduction for the first time of the Actiflow System that increases downforce and/or cuts drag depending on the car’s trim during cornering. This, together with other careful detailing, ensures that the 599XX boasts extraordinary levels of downforce--up to 1,400 pounds at 187 mph.


上一次我們看,自稱是一個日產 700萬 26.7s紐博格林的圈速為 2010年'系列II'GT - R的,而通用汽車公司是擁有一個更美好的時間為 70022.4秒雪佛蘭 Corvette ZR1之超級跑車。雖然製造商索賠應當採取的糧食鹽 - 有太多的變數,會影響單圈成績 - 法拉利作出要求時,你可以放心的汽車世界最會注意到。

通用汽車最先進的機器,並可能最快,599XX實驗車,現在已經成功地一個炎熱的單圈計時的時鐘為 13米萊紐伯格林 Nordschleife賽道電路 600 58.16s - -首次生產的派生車已突破7一分鐘的障礙。

在599XX,這激發了599 GTO的,是一個極端的跑車設計的軌道,但沒有正式比賽使用,是一個名副其實的技術實驗室納入一個數字的創新解決方案旨在使盡可能快周圍的軌道。其中包括F1的方向盤甜甜圈推導其中有兩個目的 - 減少動盪,從而拖累,提高制動冷卻。

本站由一個 700馬力的V - 12發動機所使用的599 GTB Fiorano的,在599XX功能法拉利的高性能動態的概念,一個新的綜合設計和底盤設置,使用先進的電子執政的機械限制的處理以最高的性能。

在空氣動力學方面,車看到,首次推出的 Actiflow系統,可提高下壓力和/或削減拖動取決於汽車的內飾轉彎時。這連同其他審慎細節,確保 599XX擁有非凡的下壓力水平 - 高達 187一四〇〇英鎊英里。


來源:http://www.worldcarfans.com & http://www.motorauthority.com



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