
[Video] Street Drag Race: Bugatti Veyron Vs Two Nissan GT-R R35

Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport

Nissan GT-R R35 JURY 730

Nissan GT-R 35

Dragtimes.info, a Russian media outfit, filmed this David vs Goliath battle between a Bugatti Veyron and a Nissan GT-R. While on paper this might seem like a grossly unfair comparison, however, the GT-R brand has always benchmarked itself not only against potential peers but stronger opponents as well. The same goes for the current R35 model.

Although it's unknown if the GT-R is heavily tuned, it's hard to imagine that a 357 kW (474 bhp / 485 PS) V6 twin turbo can compete against something packing 1001 PS (736 kW / 987 bhp), yet the GT-R has a sub-4 second 0-100 km/h sprint time. Plus its AWD system and twin-clutch are said to be exceptionally responsive. Interestingly, the Veyron also comes with AWD and a double-clutch transmission, just like the Japanese missile. Unfortunately for Godzilla it has a sub-3 second sprint time.

And that last part is clearly demonstrated on the video as the two giants take on an almost-empty Russian freeway under the cover of darkness. Watch the duel play itself over and over during several runs ranging from standstill to running starts. Make sure the speakers are switched on as well.

Dragtimes.info,俄羅斯媒體公司,拍攝此戰大衛對歌利亞之間的布加迪威龍和日產 GT - R的。雖然在紙面上,這可能看起來是一個極不公平的比較,但是,GT - R的品牌始終基準本身不僅是對潛在的同齡人,但更強的對手好。同樣的問題也為當前 R35小模型。

雖然它還不知道的GT - R是大量調整,很難想像,一個 357千瓦(474馬力 / 485 PS)的V6發動機雙渦輪可以抗衡的東西包裝 1001常任秘書長(736千瓦/ 987馬力),但GT - R的有一分4秒0-100公里/小時衝刺的時間。加上它的全輪驅動系統和雙離合器據說是特別敏感。有趣的是,威龍還配備了全輪驅動和雙離合器變速器,就像日本的導彈。不幸的是,它有哥斯拉分3秒的衝刺時間。



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