
Video: 2010 Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG

One does not buy the Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG to drive to and from the country club. Nor do they lay down the $85,750 it takes to call the ballistic sedan their very own so that they can make the morning commute in style and sophistication. They pick up the tweaked four door because they know that with years of training and a little luck, they too can hoon the tires off of the car just like in the video after the jump.

Mercedes-Benz has gone ahead and beat every auto journo on the planet to the punch by releasing a video of the 6.3-liter V8 doing what it does best. Some lucky driver was turned loose on a wet Brooklands track to kick the tail around in beautiful fashion, and there's plenty of fancy camera work to help keep our jaws permanently glued to the floor. Throw in the rumble of the sedan's beating heart, and you've got the perfect answer to the mid-week doldrums. Lewis Hamilton would approve of the world-class hoonage, and so do we – so check out the action after the jump.
Source: Mercedes-Benz via

一個不買奔馳 E63 AMG的駕駛和從該國俱樂部。他們也不放下八五七五○美元需要調用他們自己的防彈轎車,使他們能在早上上班的風格和韻味。他們拿起扭捏四門,因為他們知道,多年的訓練和一點點運氣,他們也可以熏過的輪胎的汽車,就像在視頻後跳。

奔馳已經前進,每次自動 journo擊敗這個星球上的力度釋放一個視頻的6.3升V8引擎做它最擅長的。一些幸運的司機把鬆散的濕布魯克蘭茲軌道踢尾巴周圍的美麗時尚,有很多奇特相機的工作,幫助保持我們的下巴永遠粘在地板上。投入的隆隆聲,轎車的跳動的心臟,你已經得到了完美的答案,週中低迷。漢密爾頓將核准的世界級 hoonage,所以我們 - 因此,請檢查後跳的動作。
Source: Mercedes-Benz via




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