
[Video] 2010 1200匹 Bugatti 16/4 Veyron Super Sport 新記錄267.81 mph

Landspeed worldrecord with the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport

The new Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport takes production sports cars to a whole new dimension
Wolfsburg/Molsheim, July 4, 2010 – on a beautiful sunny day at 25 degrees the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport achieved a new landspeed world record for production cars, on the proving grounds of the Volkswagen Group at Ehra-Lessien (nearby its headquarters at Wolfsburg). In the presence of the German Technical Inspection Agency (TÜV) and a representative of Guinness Book of Records the Super Sport achieved an average top speed of 431 km/h.

Saturday, 2 pm – Bugatti's Pilote Officiel Pierre Henri Raphanel puts his helmet and gloves on, pulls the safety belts tight whilst the engineers check the car a very last time: tyre pressure, temperature, all systems go. Then the orange black Super Sport crosses the light barrier, from now on the time will be taken, within one hour the car has to drive from South to North and then in the opposite direction. No one but the driver is allowed to touch the car during this time. The tension rises. A few minutes later we can hear from the left side the sound of a starting jumbo jet coming closer towards us. First we perceive the headlights of the Veyron, then we can recognize the shape of the car, a loud wooosh.... and Raphanel dashes in top speed past us. The GPS-tachometer stops at 427, 933 km/h. Now the same procedure from the opposite direction. This time the car reaches 434, 211 km/h. As average top speed the representatives of the "TÜV"and Guinness generate a value of 431, 072 km/h (268 mph). This even hit Bugatti's engineering team by surprise.

"We took it that we would reach an average value of 425 km/h," explains Bugatti's chief engineer Dr. Wolfgang Schreiber, "but the conditions today were perfect and allowed even more."

The climax of the Veyron series: the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport

Had a model been especially popular or highly successful in races, Ettore Bugatti's customers often pushed the master to tease out of the engine a few horsepower more for their future car. Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. had been in a similar situation when their existing customers asked the company to not only design their second model optically differently but to also create a version with a sportier and more extreme driving experience. The result is a car with a uniquely high performance of 1,200-hp (882 kW) offering experienced drivers a whole new dimension of excitement, with a maximum torque of 1,500 Newton metres and a limited top speed of 415 km/h (to protect the tyres) but, the technique of the Super Sport is identical to the record car. The first five Super Sports to come off the production line will constitute a special series of their own, with the same configuration as the landspeed record car.

The Super Sport is a consequent of the further development of the classic exclusive 1,001-hp Bugatti Veyron 16.4, launched in 2005. This model offers a stunning set of specifications, such as the twin clutch gearbox with seven speeds, the extraordinarily precise driving performance in bends and excellent stability when braking and accelerating.

Continuous work in extreme performance ranges lead to constantly new conclusions, which enabled the engineers at Bugatti to develop the Veyron into a direction in which the driver can reach new dimensions. Every modification is designed to produce an even more powerful car for an agile ride. Four enlarged turbochargers and bigger intercoolers have been used to boost the power of the 16-cylinder engine, and the chassis has been extensively redesigned to maintain safety at extreme speed – thanks to slightly raised main-spring travel, stronger stabilisers, and new shock absorbers with a complex architecture originally developed for racing cars. This gives noticeably more precise control of the wheels and the car as a whole. With lateral acceleration of up to 1.4 G and improved interaction between the tyres and the intelligent all-wheel drive system, the Super Sport offers perfect handling and even more powerful acceleration of 1,500 Newton metres on corner exits.

The body has been fine-tuned to improve aerodynamic efficiency and maintain perfect balance in every situation, while the new fibre structure of the all-carbon monocoque ensures maximum torsion rigidity and passive safety – at reduced weight. The skin is made entirely of carbon-fibre composites, and the new Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport is available in 100 per-cent clear- lacquered exposed carbon on request.

Dynamic exterior

Every detail of this car, and not just its use of advanced motorsport technology, harks back to the pioneering spirit of company founder Ettore Bugatti. This brilliant designer came from a family of artists, and his philosophy was always to combine mechanical perfection and exterior beauty. This ethos remains alive and well at the company, and the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport is wholly unmistakeable, with every external modification serving to coax greater performance from the car.

The Super Sport's flat, elongated silhouette is immediately recognisable. The 16-cylinder engine gets its air from two NACA ducts integrated into the roof, rather than from scoops above the engine. The front air intakes have been expanded and reshaped, with the lower one extending elegantly around the sides to the wheel arch. The revised back looks sportier due to the double diffuser and a centrally arranged exhaust system.

Bugatti has a tradition of making super-sport versions of successful models, usually with racing chassis and supercharged engines. These cars were considered as true racing machines for diehard Bugatti devotees. The most successful were the type 55 and type 57S; only around forty of each were built.

Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. has sold 260 Veyrons and 35 Grand Sports by now, of which 249 Veyrons and 22 Grand Sports had been delivered. The Super Sport will begin production this autumn at Molsheim along with the Veyron and the Grand Sport. The first five cars – known as the World Record Edition – are in a special black exposed carbon and orange finish and have already been sold.

The Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport will appear for the first time in public in California at the Pebble Beach Concours weekend in mid-August and will be featured at The Quail, Monterey Historic Races at Laguna Seca and on the concept lawn of the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance.

[Source: Bugatti]

Landspeed worldrecord與布加迪威龍 16.4超級體育

新的布加迪威龍 16.4超級運動跑車的生產需要,以一個全新的維度
沃爾夫斯堡/莫爾塞姆,2010年7月4日 - 一個美麗的晴天在25度的布加迪威龍 16.4超級體育取得了新的世界紀錄 landspeed生產汽車,理由就證明了大眾汽車集團在埃拉萊辛(其總部附近沃爾夫斯堡)。在出席會議的德國技術檢驗機構(TUV認證)和有代表性的吉尼斯世界紀錄的超級體育取得了平均最高時速 431公里/小時

2日,星期六下午3:00 - 布加迪的Pilote政府公報皮埃爾亨利把他的頭盔和拉法內爾手套,緊拉安全帶,而汽車的工程師檢查最後一個時間:輪胎氣壓,溫度,所有的系統去。然後,橙黑超級體育穿過光障,從現在起將採取的時間,一小時內的車要開車從南到北,然後在相反的方向。但司機沒有人被允許觸摸汽車在這段時間。上升的緊張局勢。幾分鐘後,我們可以聽到從左側的聲音開始大型噴氣式客機的一個對我們越來越近。首先,我們看到了大燈的威龍,那麼我們可以識別汽車的形狀,大聲 wooosh ....破折號和拉法內爾我們在過去的最高速度。全球定位系統,轉速表停在427 933公里/小時現在,同樣的程序從相反的方向。這一次,車達 434,211公里/小時由於平均最高速度的代表,“德國 TUV”及吉尼斯產生價值 431零七二公里每小時(268英里)。這甚至打擊布加迪的工程隊措手不及。


高潮的威龍系列:布加迪威龍 16.4超級體育

如果一個模型是特別受歡迎,在比賽中非常成功,埃托雷布加迪的客戶往往推動了主人梳理出的發動機馬力數多為他們的未來汽車。布加迪汽車 S.A.S.曾在類似的情況,當他們的現有客戶要求該公司不僅光學設計他們的第二個模式不同,但還必須建立一個版本具有動感和更加極端的駕駛體驗。其結果是一個獨特的汽車高性能1200馬力(882千瓦)經驗豐富的司機提供了一個全新的層面興奮,最大扭矩1500牛頓米,最高時速限制415公里/小時(以保護輪胎),但是,這項技術的超級運動是相同的記錄車。首五個超級體育脫落的生產線將是一個特殊的一系列自己,用相同的配置為 landspeed記錄車。

超級體育是因此而產生的進一步發展的經典獨家 1001馬力的布加迪威龍 16.4,於 2005年推出。該模型提供了一個驚人的一套規格,如雙離合器變速箱與七個速度,非常精確的駕駛性能在轉彎時的穩定性和良好的剎車和加速。

在極端的連續工作性能範圍不斷導致新的結論,這使工程師在布加迪威龍發展成為一個方向,司機可以達到新的層面。每個修改的目的是產生一個更強大的車程為 1敏捷。四擴大渦輪增壓器和更大的中冷器已被用於提高功率的 16缸發動機,底盤已被廣泛地重新設計,以維持安全以極快的速度 - 感謝稍稍提出的主要彈簧旅行,更強的穩定和新減震器一個原本複雜的架構開發賽車。這使明顯更精確地控制車輪和汽車作為一個整體。隨著橫向加速度高達 1.4 G和改進輪胎之間的互動和智能全輪驅動系統,超級體育提供了完美的處理和更強大的加速度1500牛頓米角落退出。

該機構已微調,以提高空氣動力學效率的完美平衡,保持在任何情況下,而新的纖維結構,全碳硬殼確保最大扭轉剛性和被動安全性 - 在減輕重量。皮膚是完全由碳纖維複合材料,新的布加迪威龍 16.4超級體育可在100美分明確漆暴露碳的要求。


這款車每一個細節,而不是僅僅利用先進的賽車技術,回過頭來開拓精神的公司創始人埃托雷布加迪。這輝煌的設計師來自一個家庭的藝術家,他的哲學是永遠的完美結合機械和外觀美。這種風氣仍然活著,並在公司,和布加迪威龍 16.4超級體育是完全不容混淆的,而每外部修改服務哄更高性能的汽車。

超級體育的扁平,細長的輪廓立即辨認。 16缸發動機的空氣從 2得到的NACA管集成到屋頂,而不是從簸箕以上發動機。前方進氣口已經擴大和改造,以較低的一個延伸優雅左右兩側的輪拱。修訂後的背部看起來更具運動由於雙增壓器和中央安排的排氣系統。

布加迪有一個傳統的製造超級運動版的成功模式,通常與賽車底盤和增壓發動機。這些汽車被認為是真正的賽車機器布加迪頑固信徒。最成功的是55型和類型 57S,只有大約 40各建。

布加迪汽車 S.A.S.已售出260 Veyrons 35豪華運動到了今天,其中249個 Veyrons和22大活動已交付。超級體育將在今年秋天開始生產莫爾塞姆隨著威龍和大運動。第一個 5輛汽車 - 被稱為世界紀錄版 - 是在一個特殊的碳黑色和橙色暴露完成,並已被售出。

布加迪威龍 16.4的超級體育會出現第一次在公眾中的加州圓石灘競賽週末在8月中旬,將精選的鵪鶉,蒙特雷賽在拉古納塞卡歷史的概念和草坪的圓石灘競賽德雅。
[Source: Bugatti]

In Detail

submitted by Richard Owen
type Production Car
released at 2010 Monterey Motorsports Reunion
built at Molshiem, France
body stylist Jozef Kabaň
engineers Wolfgang Schreiber
engine Aluminum, Narrow Angle W16
position Mid Longitudinal
aspiration Quad Turbocharged
block material Aluminum
valvetrain DOHC 4 Valves / Cyl w/VVT
fuel feed Direct Sequential Injection
displacement 7993 cc / 487.8 in³
bore 86 mm / 3.39 in
stroke 86 mm / 3.39 in
compression 9.0:1
power 894.8 kw / 1200 bhp @ 6000 rpm
specific output 150.13 bhp per litre
bhp/weight 587.95 bhp per tonne
torque 1500 nm / 1106.3 ft lbs @ 3300 rpm
redline 6600
body / frame Aluminum Panels over Carbon Fibre Monocoque w/Aluminum Front Subframe, Hybrid VCarbon/Stainless Steel Rear Subframe
driven wheels 4WD w/TCS, Stability Control, Haldex LSD
wheel type Forged Alloy
front tires 265/680ZR500A 99Y Michelin Pilot Sport
rear tires 365/710ZR540A 108Y Michelin Pilot Sport
front brakes Ventilated & Drilled Carbon Discs w/8-Piston Calipers
f brake size 38.1 x 401 mm / 1.5 x 15.8 in
rear brakes Ventilated & Drilled Carbon Discs w/6-Piston Calipers
r brake size 33.0 x 381 mm / 1.3 x 15.0 in
front wheels F 50.8 x 28.4 cm / 20 x 11.2 in
rear wheels R 53.3 x 36.6 cm / 21 x 14.4 in
steering Rack & Pinoin w/Hydraulic Power Assist
f suspension Control Arms w/Coil Springs, Anti-Roll Bar
r suspension Control Arms w/Coil Springs, Anti-Roll Bar
weight 2041 kg / 4500 lbs
weight distro 44 % / 55 %
wheelbase 2710 mm / 106.7 in
front track 1715 mm / 67.5 in
rear track 1618 mm / 63.7 in
length 4463 mm / 175.7 in
width 1999 mm / 78.7 in
height 1212 mm / 47.7 in
transmission Electronically-Controlled Ricardo 7-Speed e/Dual-Clutch
tran clutch Double-Clutch
gear ratios 3.18:1, 2.26:1, 1.68:1, 1.29:1, 1.06:1, 0.88:1, 0.80:1
final drive 3.64:1
top speed ~431.072 kph / 267.70 mph

來源:http://www.autoblog.com & http://www.supercars.net



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