
Video: 600-HP Scion tC Rockstart d1 Street Drift (漂移)

Mulholland Drive is a legendary strip of blacktop in Los Angeles that every native gearhead and many visiting interlopers know, love, and occasionally, fear. But few have attacked it the way Tanner Foust does in this video, taking to the section known as "The Snake" with his Rockstar Scion tC drift car.

The car isn't a true Scion tC--it's been converted to rear-wheel drive, had a 600-horsepower V-8 Toyota NASCAR engine shoehorned into it, and fitted with a pro transmission and drift-style handbrake to make the sideways bits easier to engage--if not to maintain.

Foust shows off some serious driving skill in this clip, particularly at 2:54-2:56, where he comes within a hand's width of an unforgiving guardrail, and again at 3:13-3:18, where he executes a long, 180-degree drift so geometrically perfect Euclid himself would be proud.

[Scion Racing]

穆赫蘭道是個傳奇剝奪柏油路在洛杉磯,每本機減速機和許多來訪的不速之客都知道,愛,有時,恐懼。但很少有攻擊它的方式唐納•福斯特並在此視頻,採取一節稱為“蛇”,與他的 Rockstar輛 Scion TC漂移車。

這輛車是不是真正輛 Scion TC - 它已經轉換為後輪驅動,有一個 600千瓦V - 8發動機豐田納斯卡硬塞進它,並配有親傳輸和漂移式手剎,使側向位從事容易 - 如果不是維護。

•福斯特炫耀一些嚴重的駕駛技術,在此剪輯,特別是在 2:54-2:56,從哪來在手的寬度一個無情的護欄,並再次在3:13-3:18,在那裡他執行長, 180度漂移,歐幾里得幾何完善自己會感到自豪。

[Scion Racing]




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